
I'm so sorry.....

I saw you in the store.

You were clutching on to a shopping cart.

Why did you look so pale?

And then I started to stare.

I kept wondering the same question.

Why did you look so pale?

Did you have some sort of disease?

I was simply wondering.


But then I found my answer.

And I wished I had never laid eyes on you.


Like it matters.... said...

That is soooo sad.

Anonymous said...

ohh i like this very much.
cliff hanger.

Anna Nhi said...

((hope you don't find this offensive))

this reminds me a bit of twilight, when edward and bella first see each other.

bittersweet. yes?

you've got some serious talent. also, you're very kind. ;) thanks for the lovely comment.

Jocelyn said...

hey thanks for checkin out my blog! You've got some talent! I want to know how the story ends!