

It is so retarded.
That something like that made me cry.

I was practically blubbering.
Sobbing so hard it hurt my throat.

It was one of those things,
That made you so happy,
You were jealous.

You wanted to be in that moment.
You wanted it all for yourself.
But, you know those things don't happen.
Only in movies or books.

I believe they're called fairy tales.

I am crying again.
Harder and even louder.
Because, truthfully,
It should have been my moment.

I should have been the others envied.


a wild thing said...

I am so very sorry. :(

Just Me said...

wow. I like your poetry. And your blog. Thanks for commenting on my blog. This one sounds a bit similar to a few of mine.


Unknown said...

hopefully one day you'll be able to freelove...

Victoria said...

eh, i know, but i cant help it. and hes not a wanker, he really is a great guy.

and im so sorry that happened, but your poetry is really great! :)